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Dongguan Haozhi Automotive Electronic Co., Ltd.
Custom manufacturer
Guangdong, China
Main categories: Automotive Wiring Harness, Marine Wiring Harness, Motorcycle Engine Wiring Harness , UTV Wiring Harness, Truck Engine Wiring Harness
Offline trade shows attended(1times)
Competitive OEM factory
Global export expertise
Finished product inspection
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Offline trade shows attended(1times)
Suppliers who have participated in offline trade shows, as assessed by independent third parties.
Competitive OEM factory
Suppliers who primarily handle manufacturing, have a 2-Star Rating or above, and feature on the homepage.
Global export expertise
Suppliers who have more than 10 years of experience in export, as assessed by independent third parties
Finished product inspection
The data is from onsite check of the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties
Offline trade shows attended(1times)
Suppliers who have participated in offline trade shows, as assessed by independent third parties.
Competitive OEM factory
Suppliers who primarily handle manufacturing, have a 2-Star Rating or above, and feature on the homepage.
Global export expertise
Suppliers who have more than 10 years of experience in export, as assessed by independent third parties
Finished product inspection
The data is from onsite check of the latest inspection report assessed by independent third parties